Death NYC

Bateau Lavoir

5 days left

Death NYC

Bateau Lavoir

5 days left

Death NYC limited edition prints
“Don’t Easily Abandon The Hope”
Death NYC has created a signature street-art style that is instantly recognizable, whether on the side of a building or on the wall of a gallery. The New York born and based artist depicts images from pop culture in combination with motifs from popular art movements. Death NYC, whose pseudonym is an acronym for “Don’t Easily Abandon The Hope,” began her career as an anonymous street artist by painting on the walls and floors of mainstream stores in New York City. On her paintings of figures such as Queen Elizabeth, Mickey Mouse, Marilyn Monroe and The Beatles to name a few, the artist layers elements recognizable as popular movements from art history, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Jeff Koons’ balloon animals, or Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night. In distorting and adding humor to these common images, the artist forces us to ponder consumerism and idolization. Death NYC takes an unexpected and entertaining approach to street art. And while the work is undeniably fun to look at, it also makes us confront bigger questions about consumerism, idolization, and other problems in the modern world we live in.