Keiichi Misaki

Keiichi Misaki

Gallery Yukiko Nakajima is pleased to present the solo exhibition Keiichi Misaki.
Initially, people think the places he chose in his pictures are unfamiliar and alien to him, but the truth defies our expectations. The landscape and sights painted are very close to his working places and walking sites. He is not intrigued by depicting unexpected views, but for viewers, the images are strange and impacted by the motifs, for example, the cars, cats, signs, and green trees. At last, they absorb into spotless white space he intends to leave untouched. Judging from the whole picture, the contrast between the room painted pure white and the motifs he culled from the entire passage enchants viewers. In his images, one more specific aspect: black drawings highly attract our attention. The practice is casual, being different from the whole technique. His one stroke completes them at all. They were as if coming from another place or dimension. It seems that he does not weigh on them, only adding one stroke to them. However, these are the most significant elements. I learned from him the embodiments illustrated in black are not likely to be a kind of side dish, but they are the main dish for the gastronome. These black drawings are the most significant elements we should appreciate for his pictures and creations.