Exhibition of Chidy Wayne at the historic Male Castle, in Belgium.

Grège Gallery

4 days left

Exhibition of Chidy Wayne at the historic Male Castle, in Belgium.

Grège Gallery

4 days left

Fading Faith is a piece madeout of 14 silkscreens on canvas of 100 x 150 cm/each. Inspired by the philosophical premise that the loss of higher references has led us to an individualistic and self-centered approach, this exhibition seeks to question and explore who we really are in the absence of those ancient guides. As faith in external structures and authoritarian figures dissolves, we emerge as the protagonists of our own narrative, carrying the responsibility and weight of defining ourselves.

Pugnator conversando con Pablo

This textile artwork by Chidy Wayne engages in a dialogue with Picasso’s famous drawing, “Mujer desnuda de flores”. Through this conversation, Wayne explores the duality between inner struggle and outer beauty, inviting viewers to reflect on the continuity and rupture of artistic and cultural influences.

Cette œuvre sur textile de Chidy Wayne dialogue avec le célèbre dessin de Picasso, “Mujer desnuda de flores”. À travers cette conversation artistique, Wayne explore la dualité entre la lutte intérieure et la beauté extérieure, invitant les spectateurs à une réflexion sur la continuité et la rupture des influences artistiques et culturelles.

Dit textielkunstwerk van Chidy Wayne gaat in gesprek met Picasso’s beroemde tekening, “Mujer desnuda de flores”. Door deze dialoog verkent Wayne de dualiteit tussen innerlijke strijd en uiterlijke schoonheid, en nodigt hij toeschouwers uit om na te denken over de continuïteit en breuk van artistieke en culturele invloeden.

Born in 1981 in Barcelona, Chidy Wayne has established himself as a distinctive artist with a personal, minimalist, and figurative painting style. His creations, characterised by a primitive and minimalist nature, draw inspiration from both ancestral traditions and the avant-garde art scene. Through quick and bold strokes, he tackles universal themes, exploring self-awareness and internal conflict in his two main series, EGO and PUGNA, which reflect his combative spirit.