Norma de Saint Picman: Intimate Diaries

Norma de Saint Picman: Intimate Diaries

Intimate diary series is kind of mixture between real experiences and real people with imaginary ones; it's several years extended research of intimate automatic poetic writings...
intimate Diary series, includes real and imaginary, poetically transformed scenes, poetic writings...
Intimate diary series is kind of mixture between real experiences and real people with imaginary ones; it's several years extended research of intimate automatic poetic writings...
Intimate diary series is kind of mixture between real experiences and real people with imaginary ones; it's several years extended research of intimate automatic poetic writings, momentary expressions and expressive colour mixtures.
Intimate diary series is kind of mixture between real experiences and real people with imaginary ones; it's several years extended research of intimate automatic poetic writings...
It's a part of expressive aquarelles Les amants de ma petite Fée series
Expressive aquarelles relationship series
Intimate drawings series, Museums citations series.
Intimate drawings, France and Balcans series
Intimate drawings series, Portrait of young woman
Intimate drawings, France and Balcan series