Patricia Conde Galería at Latin American Galleries Now 2023

Patricia Conde Galería at Latin American Galleries Now 2023

A selection of new and classic photography.
Works by artists Graciela Iturbide, Flor Garduño, Alejandro Cartagena, Patricia Lagarde, Ilán Rabchinskey, Paola Dávila, Laura Cohen, Yael Martínez, Oswaldo Ruiz, Alexandra Germán, Juan Coronel Rafael Rivera.
Diáfano | Alexandra Germán
The second time the artist Alexandra Germán visited the National Meteorological Service, she could see the instruments on the roof of the old building. The heliograph registers the light hours during the day, refracting the sun's rays on a strip of German paper as a magnifying glass so that it gradually carbonizes as the hours go by, leaving a continuous line. In this series, the artist intervenes the skies in the photographs similar to the way the heliograph would do on the strips of paper.
Alexandra Germán, 3 de marzo, 2020. Intervened by hand with a soldering iron & golden metallic leaf
Diáfano | Alexandra Germán (details)
The artist manually intervenes with a soldering iron and places gold, silver, or copper leaf behind the print, completing the piece. The intervention matches the heliograph-burned papers, corresponding to the days the skies where captured.
Detail of Alexandra Germán, 3 de marzo, 2020.
Suburban Bus | Alejandro Cartagena
“The precarious situation of public transportation, and of mobility in general, remains ultra-underrepresented in public debate, as a matter condemned to languish on many public ‘to do’ lists. This means that the work of Alejandro Cartagena takes on specific political importance in making visible the costs of this inaction on the quality of life of people living in the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey.” –– Ximena Peredo
Alejandro Cartagena, Suburban Bus #56 & #55.
Suburban Bus | Alejandro Cartagena
"Traveling in these precarious capsules, without enough seats for everyone, in a total absence of safety, is a confirmation of the position these bodies occupy in the consumption society. In the Latin American industrial city, our bodies are treated as disposable. It doesn’t matter how complex our personality might be, or how interesting your story is; some get on, other get off" –– Ximena Peredo
Alejandro Cartagena, Suburban Bus #52 & #53.