The Middle Room is pleased to present Oscillations, a solo show of black and white abstract works made with graphite on clay board by LA-based artist Christine Weir. This exhibition will be on view from April 19-May 18, 2024.
Oscillations is a powerful, contemplative one-woman show featuring time-consumingly made graphite drawings on a rich clay surface embedded with intellectual inquiries formed around both highly personal and universal themes of existence and evolution.
This exhibition delves into ideas around entropy and renewal, and how space, matter, and time shape our perceptions of reality. The starting point for Weir here is earth, specifically, water systems and lava flows. She transmutes these references into space-like objects of her own imagination. In some of these drawings she is exploring the passage of time, through moment, mystery, and quantification. Time can be a very specific record, a memory that can evoke joy, or a prison of perceived stagnancy—but it always brings change. In other drawings, Weir is depicting cataclysmic processes—think black holes and super novas. These are scary and wondrous things. And they naturally stand-in for those moments of change that afflict us in everyday life. Transformation through destruction abounds, and it is often an irreconcilable and horrible process. However, there can be power, beauty, and, sometimes, understanding formed in the aftermath of these events. This body of work was made to celebrate time, how it controls us, and how, while we can’t change what happens, we can flourish nonetheless.